Assalamualaikum.........Jemput datang minum kopi....apo kaba keluarge?harap2 kakak,abang,pak cik n mak cik hepi dgn blog sey ini.... MAJU LAH I.T DEMI NEGARA...

TAG dari Meri Kehni Islam Agamaku....

1. Do you think you're hot?
maybe no....hohoho

2. Upload a favourite picture of you.

3. Why do you like that picture?
becoz i'm a hot man.....hahaha

4. When was the last time you ate pizza?
haaaa.....sey mmg anti ngan pizzzzza...

5. The last song you listened to?
the unforgiven.....metallica

6. What are you doing now besides this?
sey mandur kepada abah,mama,nurul n sedara sey...pkcik sapuan..
kerja2 kg ja...

7. What name would you prefer than this?
Abdul Hafiz la....apa lg??

Those who will be tagged :
member pein.....korg sume kene buat....wajib....

8. Who is No 1?
Khalifah fedi....
lhat susunan nye dlm blog 'lead' ini ya...

9. No 3 is having relationship with?
I don now.....tnye sendri la ya...hahaha

10. Say something about no 5.
die adalah rerama......rerama yg pndai berckp....hahaha...

11. How about no 4?
selamber gler.....hahahahahahaha gempaq.....

12. Who is no 2?
hahahahahaha ini best.....sis yg kuat membuli teruna....hahahaahahaha
wat sis this tag...

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